Videos from our online meetup are up! (ssr)

Written by Knut Melvær

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On June 11th 2019 we hosted our first online-only live-streamed meetup. This was the first time we have done anything like this, but will be far from the last! We had a great time sharing some news with those of you that attended, and we love being able to have both attendees and guests from all over the world.

We recorded the meetup that was streamed via Zoom, and have done some minor video editing and released the four sections as separate videos. There's a lot of great stuff here ranging from how is doing as a company; how it has been used to make a feature-rich marketing e-commerce website; how Sanity will integrate with Gridsome, a static site generator for Vue; and finally, a preview of the upcoming document history feature.

State of

Magnus Hillestad (CEO, Co-founder) & Simen Svale Skogsrud (CTO, Co-founder) tell how has been doing since the public launch in late 2017, and share some exciting news.

How was made

Kevin Green ( calls in from New York for a dive into how he made the marketing ecommerce website with Gatsby, Netlify, Shopify, and Sanity. A must-see if you are curious about how to make design systems that play well with a rich content model. The integration with Shopify is also inspiring.

What is Gridsome?

Tommy Vedvik is the co-founder of Gridsome together with his brother Hans-Jørgen Vedvik. Inspired by Gatsby.js, they develop a static site generator for Vue that is definitively catching on. We have been working with them to make a first-class source plugin that makes all your content available, and enables real-time content previews when you develop your templates. Knut Melvær does a demo of the upcoming source plugin.

What we have been working on

Even Westvang (CPO, Co-founder) talks about what we have been working on lately, and demos the new document revision history interface that will be released soon. This has been a much asked for feature that we really look forward to release.