The Kitchen Sink Studio (ssr)

Written by Rune Botten

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If you want a hands-on practical demo of the many customizations you can do with Sanity, you can now deploy our Kitchen Sink Studio. It is our ever-evolving demo-studio built to show off the functionality that you get with It’s an excellent starting point when you want to pitch Sanity to prospective clients.

With the Kitchen Sink Studio you get examples of:

There’s also a new video that walks you through many of the things you can do with it, and we’ll be releasing more videos as this project expands with more feature demos over time.

Since our launch, we have been in numerous meetings demonstrating and how you can customize it to fit your team’s requirements and needs. Of course, what we have learned is that organizations have a healthy mix of common and unique questions about what they can achieve with structured content.

We have addressed some of these questions in this guide. But as they say, the proof is in the eating of the pudding. Demonstrating and giving people a feel for how they can work has been vital for us. The Kitchen Sink Studio lets us quickly put tailored demos together. By open-sourcing it, we hope that you can do the same for your prospective clients.