Sanity's November Meetup -, e-commerce, and beyond (ssr)

Written by Kapehe

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Each month at, we host a virtual meetup. The monthly meetup has regularly been filled with external speakers from the community and an internal speaker. We hosted our first virtual meetup in August this year by launching Conditional Fields. This talk was given by two Sanity frontend engineers, Bjørge and Rico, and their talk can be found on our YouTube channel.

November's lineup was definitely one to write home about. Let's go over our speakers:

Egghead's journey from Rails to Sanity

We started off with a presentation from Nicoll Guarnizo from Nicoll's talk went over how Egghead went from a fully custom Rails content management system to On the same day, John Lindquist, Egghead's founder, launched a GROQ course. So much Egghead and Sanity content that day!

Introduction to GROQ Query Language course by John Lindquist from

In Nicoll's talk, we got a first-hand look at Egghead's "Digital Garden" and the behind-the-scenes of how the courses, blog, collaborators, and more are structured in their Studio. Be sure to check out Nicoll's talk and learn about that beautiful migration that Egghead has been doing for the past year:

Power all your e-commerce projects with Sanity

Julian from shared a visually appealing e-commerce store in our Slack community's channel, #i-made-this. is an immersive e-commerce experience that makes you feel like you are in a video game while customizing your perfect coat. We knew we had to get Julian at our meetup to speak all about Gauvain.

View of's eCommerce 3D experience

In addition, Julian shared another equally awesome store and showed us the Sanity Studio for It's always so fun to see how others are organizing and customizing their Studios. has their products document type organized by which batch they are from or what style they are. And then each batch document type is color-coded organized by release date, whether or not it's been released, attributes, and styles. There are a lot of internal references in this studio and we love to see that! Check out both projects in Julian's talk:

Shopify + Sanity, Oh My!

Have you heard? Sanity has a new app in Shopify's app store: Sanity Connect. If you have heard, have you used it yet? Thoughts? If you haven't, well you've come to the right place.

At this November meetup, Knut and I demonstrated what the app does for you and your project. We do a full demo of how to set the app up from scratch. By clicking a few buttons, you'll have a full Shopify + Sanity project built out for you with some awesome schemas pre-built right out of the box!

Sanity Connect app on the Shopify app store

This app allows you to take your Shopify store and structure your content in ways you never thought possible. By combining the two, you might just realize it's the perfect e-commerce pair. Watch our talk here:

Join us for our next event: Sanity's Open House

We hope you enjoyed these videos and speakers. It's always so great to see what is happening with the community and their Sanity-powered projects.

Some news on upcoming Sanity events: we won't be having a meetup in December because.....we're having an Open House! Hear from our CEO, Magnus Hillestad, our Head of Content Strategy, Carrie Hane, and MORE! You can find that RSVP link here.

We will resume our regularly scheduled monthly meetup in January. Keep an eye out for that link and if you want to be even more proactive, you can join the meetup group to get the email updates!

See you around!