JAMstack Oslo Meetup: The one about Gatsby.js (ssr)

Written by Knut Melvær

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On Jan 29th we hosted the first JAMstack Oslo meetup together with primus motor Alexander Alemayhu. We converted our office space into a meetup space, we made waffles (with all sorts of jams of course), we brought beer, and set up a live stream. Byteconf.com was kind enough to lend us ther streaming channels. All in all, it was a blazing success!

If you weren't there, or want to relive the moment, we have put up the videos from the event.

Benedicte Raae introduced her remark-oembed-transformer plugin, which takes care of all the embeds from your Markdown files. Check out her talk.

Espen, who is the developer of gatsby-source-sanity, gave an introduction to Gatsby.js, how it works, and why you may want to use it. An excellent talk especially if you are one of those who keep hearing the rave about Gatsby.js, but haven't got around to actually try it yet.

Espen will be joining Gatsby’s own Jason Lengstorf on Thursday Jan 31st, to teach how to build a portfolio site on Gatsby.js and Sanity.io. Tune in and follow Jason on twitch to get a heads up when it starts. We'll make sure you get links to the video and GitHub repository afterwards if you follow us on Twtter, or join our slack, or subscribe to this blog’s RSS feed.