Community Digest - May ‘24 Edition (ssr)

Written by Kapehe

Missing Image!

Aloha Sanity Community! Kapehe here! I’m the Developer Community Manager over here at Sanity. 🤙

Are you a developer? A content creator? Do you build websites? Do you write content for websites? Well this digest is for you!

Sanity is a mighty team of passionate developers and creators who are here to help you solve all your content solutions. And this digest gathers all the things that our community is building with Sanity, events we’re hosting or will be at, and new features from the Sanity sphere! 🌎

Oh, and there’s a swag giveaway in here! I used GROQ to query and find all our contributions from the Exchange from the past month and then randomly chose from that list.

It’s packed full of content….let’s do this! 💪

Contributions from Exchange

The things y’all are building have me like 🤯. Scrolling through the Sanity Exchange has got to be one of my favorite parts of the day.

They’re all amazing, but here are three contributions worth mentioning!

Link Field by Winter Agency & Marcus Forsberg

This custom Link field allows the editor to easily create internal and external links. You’ll want to see the demo video, there’s a lot this can do, go click into the plugin link 🔗

Custom Link Field Plugin

Librairie Expérience by Donaël Walter

Librairie Experience, a beloved comic book store since 1973. Donaël and team completely revamped their website after a decade, creating a hybrid platform that combines e-commerce, a blog, and a showcase to connect their community and services. Check out the beautiful design and well-laid out Studio in the project’s link 🔗

Librairie Expérience

User Guide by Ruben Bimmel

A user guide plugin! With this plugin, add user guide pages to your Sanity. You’ll define your page structure for the user guide and then add the plugin to your sanity.config. Whether you want a single page or multi page user guide, this plugin is a great one to check out: 🔗

User Guide Plugin code
PortableText [components.type] is missing "protip"

Embrace the creative process with Sanity Create

✨ This is new! ✨

You know that feeling when you’re in a great groove with your work, your writing, your coding, really anything. And then… PING! You get a notification from Slack saying “Hey, when you have a chance, can you approve this new hero image for our blog post going out next week?”


Well, we made a distraction-free zone for you to gather notes, write your most beautiful work, collaborate with teammates, and, if needed, even use the power of AI. We called it Sanity Create and we think you’re gonna really like it. Oh, just don’t forget to put your computer on do not disturb for that truly distraction-free work. 😎

Sanity Create preview

Events 👏 Events 👏 Events 👏

We may be coming to a location (or computer) near you soon! 👀

Community Meetup Tour 🌎 - Many dates in June!

Shoptalk Europe - June 3-5

Community Virtual Meetup - Developer Deep Dive - July 9

Previous Events

Past: Sanity Connect - May 8

Past: Dubai Seemless - May 14-16

Past: Community Virtual Meetup - Developer Deep Dive - May 21

Past: Vercel Ship - May 23

Past: Community In-Person Meetup - Benelux - May 23


I know you want swag. We all want swag. I designed some new swag pieces for this year and I really like the minimalist look I established with these pieces.

Let’s just say we’re all fighting internally to get our hands on one of the Sanity hats. 🧢 😉

So let’s give away one of our Sanity caps(kaps?)/hats!

Using GROQ (my favorite query language 😍), I gathered all the contributions from the last month and use a random number generator.

My GROQ query in the Exchange Studio’s Vision Plugin:

GROQ query in the Vision Plugin

There were 28 contributions! 🔥

Using and its true random number generator, I got… #14 as our winner! You’re gonna have to trust me on the randomness of this! 🙈

Winner by random number generator is 14Mitchell Christ is the winner

MITCHELL CHRIST! I’m going to reach out to you. Congrats on winning a Sanity Cap! Oh, and the contribution Mitchell submitted to be entered to win? A really cool Sanity + Next starter template. Go check it out! 🔥 Really great work, Mitchell.

Submit your Sanity-powered projects, code snippets, guides, etc to the Sanity Exchange to be entered to win. Remember….only real submissions are counted. 🙃

That’s all, Folks!

Well y’all, hope you like Community Digest - May ‘24 Edition! You’ll be seeing these monthly so keep being awesome, keep sharing your awesome work, and keep cheering each other on in the community.

And if you are new to Sanity, we’re here for you! Head on over to Sanity Learn to start your Sanity journey. 🥾

You’ll learn from Simeon and Knut, some of the best Sanity developers I know! 😎

Sanity Learn - Start with the basics

Aloha everyone! Until next one 🤙

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