Community digest: Custom icons, Portable Text, Gatsby, and Tailwind (#4) (ssr)

Written by Knut Melvær

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Since the Summer of 2018, we have gathered a few thousand developers on the Sanity community on Slack. The excellent people there are not only helping each other out. It’s also a place where we show each other what we have built, and where the Sanity team can get useful feedback on upcoming features. We thought it was time to share some of the enthusiasm, reflections, and insights that we see every week.


Upcoming Events

We're hosting a meetup at Heavybit’s clubhouse on February 5th. It will be all about how to build voice assistants, and how you can customize the Sanity Studio. If you don't live in the Bay area, don't worry: We will record and put it up on YouTube.

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Community Highlights

Custom icons

Christian (@codelobaugh) shares his #100daysofgatsby by posting some excellent tutorials on his blog. This week he shows us how to customize icons in the Portable Text editor:

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The Power of Portable Text

Eunjae (@eunjae_lee) reflects on building with Markdown, MDX, and Portable Text. While the former gives you an easy start, it might get cumbersome when you move into richer content.

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Eunjae also shares how he uses inline blocks with objects, and references to add flexibility to recipe content.

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Gatsby + Zeit’s Now + starter

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Kevin Wolf made a really cool Gatsby starter that let you launch a new website on Zeit’s Now in a nice command line flow. He also delivered a talk about it at the Gatsby Costa Rica meetup. Muo Bueno!

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or run in your command line:

npx gatsby new my-awesome-blog

Gatsby,, Tailwind CSS, & Linaria.js Blog starter

Stephen (@stephenGFriend) forked our Gatsby blog starter on and converted it to use Tailwind and Linaria. Awesome work!

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Built with Sanity

Every week there are new sites and services that is deployed with Sanity.

A screenshot of the Maria de los Angeles Rodriguez Jimenez website

Rosen ( has made a neat portfolio site for the painter Maria de los Angeles Rodriguez Jimenez using ' and Sanity. He reports that the authoring experience ended up being so great, that he actually didn't need to explain it:

Funny thing is Maria wanted me to guide her on how to use Sanity (she’s not into computers at all), so we scheduled a call. She called me an hour after I’ve created an account for her, to tell me she’s already populating contents and no need to explain anything!
Screenshot of Sanity Studio showing paintings and site settings
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