Community Digest #16 (ssr)

Written by Knut Melvær

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Here's a curated selection of things people in the Sanity community has shared with us last week. This week we have live-streams, new intros, flutter client, and resources for content modelling and web projects. As well as a handful of inspiring new sites!

New introductions to from James Quick

It has been a joy to follow James Quick’s live-streamed migration of his Gatsby blog from Markdown to Sanity. We joined him when he dove into Portable Text, and it was a blast. James‘ day job is developer advocate at Auth0, an awesome service if you need authentication, and have shared his learning experience in multiple videos and tutorials.

Therefore, it was a nice surprise when his new “Getting started with” popped up in our feeds both as a written tutorial on and a video walkthrough on YouTube. If you want to onboard your (asipiring) developer colleagues, these are great resources to share with them.

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Simple client for flutter/dart

If you want to use Sanity for native app development, this gist by Andreas Meistad might be interesting to check out. Andreas is the founder behind, a sleep theraphy app that you might want to check out.

Pattern for infinitely-nestable sub-categories

Masta Aaron has dived into some heavy content modelling research and found a pattern for expressing infititely nestable categories/sub-categories (it's categories all the way down?). It's a great example of how to use Structure builder as well. You can try it out yourself by visiting this gist on Github. Thanks for sharing Masta!

Open Graph Image Preview

This week, Michael Edelman shared this screenshot with us, of an autogenerated open graph image inside of Sanity Studio. He has built it from Chris Boscardi‘s tutorial on Super cool stuff!

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The Web Project Book’s “Implementing Backend”: Putting to the test

If you are a bit of a CMS nerd, chances are that you have come over Deane Barker‘s writing at some point. Together with Corey Vilhauer, they are writing “The Web Project Book”, which includes a lot of insight to how to do a web project. When they launched the chapter on “implementing backend”, I (Knut) couldn't resist the tempation to write how it would look like using Sanity. Interestingly, it also highlights some of the major differences between using a traditional CMS and

Built with Sanity

Portfolio for Arno Popperlars

Aidan Rypens posted his first Sanity + Gatsby + Netlify project which is a nice portfolio site for the cinematopgrapher Arno Popperlaars.

Super stocked to have be able to get this to clients! After a few years of denying Wordpress projects I can finally get this stack to clients!
The frontpage for Arno Popperlaars’ portfolio

Gallery Mar

Bill Lea has made a new website for Gallery Mar using Sanity + Next.js. Some Studio screenshots attached.

I built a Custom Input Component to custom sort artworks per artist. Also kept blog on headless WordPress since 12 years of posts, but used CLI importer to bring in all data (~3,000 artworks, etc).
The Gallery Mar frontpageThe Gallery Mar StudioForm for the artist typeCustom input component for artworks orders

Luz Mística – color mood web app

Lucas Vocos made a super simple web app that turns your screen into a color mood lamp. It's called Luz Mística (Mystic Light in Spanish):

Somewhat still in progress, considering adding an automatic shuffling of colors (once I figure out how to clear the interval in context).
Lyz Mistica Web App showing indigoSanity Studio for the Luz Mistica web app

Pier 55 – New website for the upcoming New York park

David Gross and his team over at First Child shared this gem with us: The new website for the Little Island Park (Pier 55) in NYC. Built with Sanity + Gatsby and hosted on Netlify.

The studio includes real-time draft preview panes based on @Kevin Green’s Medium post (see screenshot below).
Sanity Studio for Pier 55Pier 55 / Little Island frontpage

New site for Spare – microtransit software

Ben Organ has built the new Spare site using Sanity + Gatsby + Typescript and hosting on Firebase.

The about page for Spare

Aerial Patterns: Drone photography

Andew Zeller shared his online gallery for drone photography on Twitter. Built with Sanity + Gatsby.

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