Announcing: New subscription plans (ssr)

Written by Marcus Sarmento

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At launch we decided to price fairly and transparently: a generous free forever tier that allowed for paid overages, a predictably priced advanced tier with higher quotas, and an option for enterprises to talk to us to figure out how we could work with their custom needs.

Although we've made some small adjustments, our subscription plans have stayed pretty much the same since then. Overall, our pricing has been well-received, but when we did receive feedback it typically fell into one of two categories:

Today we're updating our subscription plans to give our community and customers what they asked for. All while continuing to offer the same solid no-cost option for our community to learn, build, and scale.

No more metered Studio API calls

As we were making these updates we also found a way to change how we meter API usage from the Sanity Studio – this allowed us to remove it from metering. Yes, all Studio API calls are now free and unmetered for everyone!

To summarize: we've renamed Standard to Free, retired our old self-serve paid plan, and introduced two new self-serve paid plans.

If you prefer, you can of course keep using your current plan (even the one we retired). No one is being forced to move to a new plan.

Plans that fit your needs

By introducing new options, we are providing you with more flexibility. Whether you need structured content for side projects or for building products in cross-functional digital teams, Sanity should have a plan that works for you.

An even better free tier

We are dependent on our community and wanted to use this change in pricing to renew our commitment to it.

The Free plan (formerly known as Standard) still includes no-cost access to:

But we're not just keeping the Free plan the same, we're making it better. Since API calls from the Sanity Studio no longer count towards your usage, the Free plan's included quota goes further than before. Our goal is to let everyone to use Sanity Studio to create content and enjoy real-time editing without worrying about API overages.

It's worth mentioning that we're capping the maximum number of datasets on the Free plan to 2. Based on our analysis, this won't impact the vast majority of you on our Free plan. But if you have any questions or concerns about the dataset cap, drop us a note in our community slack!

New Roles system & revamped Manage interface

Our engineers and designers are hard at work shipping optimizations and new functionality for the platform, which means our products and subscription plans get better all the time. In fact, today we announced a number of new features, including:

Not to mention the recent release of Content Lake which was the culmination of years of engineering work. Stay tuned for more innovative releases coming soon.

We're really excited about these changes and hope you are too! Have questions about the pricing update? Let us know in the community Slack.